Plantronics introduced the Backbeat Go 2 headset in India today. The in-ear bluetooth headset has been available for a while globally and is a pretty cool accessory for fitness enthusiasts or generally anyone living an active lifestyle and wanting some music on the go. Since the headset uses Bluetooth for pairing with phones, it should work with practically any handset out there that supports A2DP.
The BackBeat Go 2 has a built in MEMS microphone which according to Plantronics is the first such implementation in the world. We’ve of course previously seen MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) microphones on smartphones especially those by Nokia. These microphones tend to be extra sensitive and help get very clear audio. The Plantronics BackBeat Go 2 integrates this and uses DSP to cut off extraneous noise. There’s a P2i moisture protection coating on the headset and the company claims that it is sweat proof.
The headset remembers upto 8 handset profiles which makes it easier to switch over. The battery life is rated for 4.5 hours of music listening which isn’t the best but given the size of the earbuds, the tradeoff is acceptable. The earbuds come with a built in DeepSleep mode that will switch the headset to hibernation mode thereby stretching standby time up to 6 months. Plantronics will also sell a very cool accessory for the bluetooth headset. A charging case will be made available in which you can store your BackBeat Go 2 and charge it as well. The case doubles your listening time. The Plantronics BackBeat Go 2 is priced at Rs. 4,990 without the charging case and Rs. 5,990 with it bundled along. A limited edition red colored BackBeat Go 2 will also be made available at a price point of Rs. 5,590 so if you’re really into the color red, you can probably spend a bit more and get some exclusivity as well.
Plantronics BackBeat Go 2 Bluetooth Headset launched in India for Rs. 4,990
Plantronics introduced the Backbeat Go 2 headset in India today. The in-ear bluetooth headset has been available for a while globally and i...