Sony has launched the GTK-N1BT 100W, the company’s new speaker in India. It has 100W output with 20W + 20W front-facing speakers and 60W subwoofer that offers deep, throbbing bass sound. It has NFC and Bluetooth connectivity to connect your smart devices easily to wirelessly stream music without any cables or complicated settings.
You can also connect a USB stick to the USB port to enjoy the music in different formats (MP3, WAV, WMA and AAC) and can choose from a selection of equaliser settings. It also has FM Radio, Audio In and It has Multi-colour LED patterns and has built-in carry handles to carry it easily.
Highlights of Sony GTK-N1BT
- Take your party with you wherever you go
- Never miss a beat with a powerful club sound
- Play all your music wirelessly from your smartphone or tablet with just one touch using NFC/Bluetooth technology
- Feel the deep thump of low frequency beats with 60W subwoofer bass speaker
The Sony GTK-N1BT wireless speaker is priced in India at Rs. 16,990. It would be available across India starting from September 20th.
Sony GTK-N1BT 100W speaker with NFC and Bluetooth launched in India for Rs. 16990
Sony has launched the GTK-N1BT 100W, the company’s new speaker in India. It has 100W output with 20W + 20W front-facing speakers and 60W...