LG launched its G Flex 2 smartphone in India at the LG Tech Show in Delhi back in March. Today the company has announced that the second generation G Flex smartphone is available across India. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p curved P-OLED display and the smartphone can bend ranging from a radius of 400mm to 700mm across the front, back, sides and top-to-bottom edges.
LG G Flex 2 specifications
- 5.5-inch (1080 x 1920 pixels ) Full HD Curved Plastic OLED display
- 2.0 GHz octa-core 64-bit Snapdragon 810 processor
- 2GB DDR4 RAM, 32GB of internal memory, microSD slot
- Android 5.0 (Lollipop)
- Dimensions – 149.1 x 75.3 x 7.1-9.4mm, weight: 52g
- 13MP rear camera with OIS+, Laser Auto Focus and dual LED Flash
- 2.1 MP front-facing camera
- 4G LTE-A, WiFi 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n, Bluetooth Smart Ready (Apt-X) 4.1, GPS, SlimPort, NFC
- 3000mAh battery (embedded)
The LG G Flex 2 comes in Flamenco Red and Platinum Silver colors and is available for Rs. 54,990 in India. We went hands-on with the G Flex 2 earlier this year, check out the video below.
Commenting on the announcement, Deepak Jasrotia, Business Head, LG Mobiles India said:
LG G Flex2 is as beautiful to hold as it is to behold and it represents the perfect combination of beauty and brains. We are pleased to have Anil Kapoor and Nargis Fakhri join us today to share their experience of using this one of its kind smartphone and officially launch it in India. The G Flex2 is a beautiful, high performance and a highly desirable smartphone that offers users both comfort and style.
LG G Flex 2 goes on sale in India for Rs. 54990
LG launched its G Flex 2 smartphone in India at the LG Tech Show in Delhi back in March. Today the company has announced that the second...