HP has announced two new mid-range Android tablets along with the Slate 7 Extreme and Slate 8 Pro powered by Tegra 4. These tablets come with 7-inch and 10-inch display at a resolution of 1280 x 800. These tablets are powered by a 1.2 GHz dual-core Cortex A9 Marvell PXA986 processor and runs on Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean). These also have front and rear cameras. HP unveiled the Slate 7 at the MWC 2013 earlier this year.
Both these tablets have 1GB of RAM, front and rear camera and a microSD memory card slot. These also have Beats Audio support. These have WiFi connectivity, Bluetooth and comes with optional 4G support with two years of free data up to 200 MB of 4G data per month n the T-Mobile network without any annual service contract requirements or term commitments.
No word on the internal storage or the battery yet. The HP Slate 7 HD and Slate 10 HD would be availabile in the United States in November. Pricing would be announced closer to the availability.
HP Slate 7 HD and Slate 10 HD tablets with dual-core processor, Android 4.2 announced
HP has announced two new mid-range Android tablets along with the Slate 7 Extreme and Slate 8 Pro powered by Tegra 4. These tablets come...