HARMAN India has launched JBL Charge, a new portable wireless speaker with Bluetooth connectivity in India. It offers 12 hours of playback time from a single charge and also comes with a USB port to charge mobile devices on the go. It has 2 two 1-5/8-inch (41mm) drivers, a built-in bass port, 2 x 5 watts of amplification and digital signal processing for exceptional bass. It plays from either a vertical or horizontal position.
Features of JBL Charge speaker
- High-capacity, 6000mAh Li-ion rechargeable battery offers up to 12 hours of playback
- Recharges your external devices with built-in USB port
- Streams audio wirelessly from any Bluetooth-equipped device
- Built-in bass port for thumping bass
- Two 1-5/8-inch (41-millimeter) JBL drivers and a 2 x 5-watt amplifier for enhanced audio output
- Durable, portable design with rugged case and grille to the rubber end rings and a rubber cap for its USB port
- LED light to notify when built-in battery needs to be recharged and to show if it’s in Bluetooth listening or pairing mode.
The JBL Charge comes in Grey, Blue and Green colors and is priced at Rs. 9,990. It would be available from October 2013 across India.
JBL Charge portable Bluetooth speaker launched in India for Rs. 9990
HARMAN India has launched JBL Charge, a new portable wireless speaker with Bluetooth connectivity in India. It offers 12 hours of playb...