Samsung has launched the Galaxy Gear, the company’s first Smartwatch in India as we reported last week. It was announced earlier this month at the IFA 2013 and is a great companion to the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 that was also launched in India today. It has a 1.63 inch (320 x 320 pixels) Super AMOLED display, powered by a 800 MHz processor and packs a 315 mAh battery. Once you connect it with the smartphone, it gives quick previews of incoming texts, emails and more. If you want to read the whole message, you can simply pick up smartphone, and the Smart Relay feature will reveal the full message on the screen.
It also has a 1.9-megapixel camera with BSI sensor to capture photos and record video at 720p resolution. It features two microphones and a speaker that lets you make hands-free calls and the secondary microphone is useful for noise cancellation. It also has S Voice that lets you create new calendar entries, set alarms, and check the weather using voice commands. It weighs just 73.8 grams.
The Auto Lock feature automatically secures the companion smartphone screen when the Gear is more than 1.5 meters away, and unlocks it when it is near again. Find My Device helps to find the location when the smartphone is misplaced. The Pedometer lets you track physical activity with built-in sensor. You can also use it as a watch as 10 different clock options and more to download via Samsung Apps.
We went hands on with the Galaxy Gear at the IFA 2013. Check out the hands on and the demo videos below.
Samsung Galaxy Gear Specifications
- 1.63inch 320×320 AMOLED display ( 277ppi)
- 800MHz Single core processor
- 1.9MP AutoFocus camera with BSI sensor
- 720p playback and recording
- Bluetooth 4.0
- 2 Microphones (Noise Cancellation), 1 Speaker
- Accelerometer, Gyroscope
- 4GB internal memory + 512MB RAM
- 315 mAh battery
The Samsung Galaxy Gear is priced at Rs. 22,990. It would be available across India from September 25th.
Samsung Galaxy Gear launched in India for Rs. 22990
Samsung has launched the Galaxy Gear, the company’s first Smartwatch in India as we reported last week. It was announced earlier this mo...