Sony has launched the SmartWatch 2 (SW2), successor of the first SmartWatch in India. The SmartWatch 2 was announced at the Mobile Asia Expo back in June and comes with a 1.6-inch (220 x 176 pixels) Transflective LCD display and is made of aluminium (body) with wristband made of silicon or stainless steel. It has Bluetooth 3.0 and NFC to connect to Android smartphones running on Android 4.0 (ICS) and later. It weighs 122.5 grams and has IP57 ratings for water resistance.
It shows notifications for text messages, email, calendar, call log, Facebook, Twitter, gmail and more. When using a wireless Bluetooth headset for music, you can use SmartWatch 2 as a phone remote to make or take calls. It has SmartWatch 2 apps that can be downloaded though Google Play.
We went hands-on with the SmartWatch 2 at the IFA 2013 earlier this month. Check out the hands-on video below.
You can also take a photo remotely from your SmartWatch, using a smart camera app, Select a mapping app on SmartWatch to check your route with a quick glance at your wrist, Read previously downloaded e-mails when not connected to your phone and more. It can charge though micro USB and offers up to 7 days of battery life with low usage and 3-4 days with standard usage.
The Sony SmartWatch 2 comes in Black color and is priced at Rs. 14,990. It would be available cross India from October.
Sony SmartWatch 2 launched in India for Rs. 14990
Sony has launched the SmartWatch 2 (SW2), successor of the first SmartWatch in India. The SmartWatch 2 was announced at the Mobile Asia ...