Priced at Rupees 44990/-, Sony Xperia Z1 is already available in stores, in India. It was first introduced to the world at IFA in Berlin, earlier this month and Sony has been surprisingly quick to bring this flagship device to India. The Z1 has a 5 inch Full HD display and is powered by a super fast Quadcore Snapdragon 800 processor clocked at 2.2 Ghz. The Android 4.2.2 handset has some of the most tempting add ons with the box.
The Sony Xperia Z1 box comes swamped with freebie stickers all over it. Its a small white box with the additional accessory boxes in individual packaging. Xperia Z1 is a water proof phone, yet a phone cover worth Rupees 2990/- accompanies the box. Another accessory that comes complimentary with the Z1 box is a portable charger priced at Rupees 2,790/. The android phone boasts of a 3000 mAh battery but a having a free portable charger couldn’t harm anyone!
The 5000 mAh Li-ion Polymer portable battery can charge the Xperia Z1 twice, if it is fully charged. The portable charger can also charge Apple products like the iPhone or iPad.
The protective hard cover that ships with the phone doesn’t look all that great and we don’t think many would want to hide the gorgeous glass and aluminum design of the phone behind it.
Pop up the top cover and right on top is a White Xperia Z1 in minimalistic packaging.
The battery is sealed inside. Xperia Z1′s 5 inch screen looks stunning with a full HD triluminos display that is capable of showing crisper images. Both front and back of the phone are made with durable tempered glass. The phone is framed in a one piece Aluminium case. But with all these elements, Xperia Z1 feels a bit heavy at 169 g.
The best part about the phone being water proof is that one can click pictures with the 20.7 Mp snapper, under water, too.
Lets show you around the phone’s real estate. Starting from the top, a 3.5 mm audio jack is the only port placed in this area.
Bottom side has the speakers with a large speaker mesh. The volume levels are quite decent on the handset and are a definite improvement over the Xperia Z.
The ride side spine of the handset has the sim slot right on top, covered with a plastic cap.
The same spine sports Sony’s signature machined aluminum power button and volume rocker.
Further down is the camera key.
The left side of the handset has the magnetic dock connector right in the center and above it are the micro SD and micro USB slot.
This side begins with two ports. One for USB charging cable and the other for a micro SD card. Xperia Z1 already has 16 Gb flash memory . It can take up to 64 Gb via this memory slot.
The face of the phone has plenty of space below the touch buttons, to accommodate a comfortable grip for single handed use of the touch screen.
The front facing camera is 2 Mega Pixel.
Back camera is 20.7 Mp with Sony’s G Lens that has a large 1/2.3″ sensor. Also used in the camera is the Exmor RS image sensor. It enables camera to gather more light for better pictures. We’ll be going in depth with the Z1′s camera capabilities in our full review.
A bunch of booklets, A user guide, warranty card and a promotion card with suitable accessories for the Xperia Z1.
Xperia Z1 box contains the essential three pin charger and a USB cable.
The handsfree is coloured white to match the handset shade. Accompanying the handsfree are extra ear buds and clips.
The complimentary accessories include a hard cover for the Xperia Z1.
And the 5000 mAh portable charger, just in case you ever find your Z1 showing the red signal on the battery meter. This device will come to your rescue.
The portable battery can charge the Z1 twice. It comes with a USB cable. That’s a wrap on a rather exhaustive unboxing of the Z1 and the accompanying freebies. Sony has made every effort to justify the big price tag of its phone and tempt buyers.
Sony Xperia Z1 Unboxing
Priced at Rupees 44990/-, Sony Xperia Z1 is already available in stores, in India. It was first introduced to the world at IFA in Berli...