LG announced their flagship G2 nearly a month back and it is being showcased in IFA 2013 in Berlin. LG G2 runs on Snapdragon 800 and has a 5.2inch Full HD Tru IPS display. Along with the many features that LG introduced in its G2, we brought you the live demo of Knock On feature, here is the OIS demo.
The LG G2 is probably one of the first phones to have its power lock key on the back side and it can be a bit cumbersome to unlock the phone when it is lying down. Hence LG have introduced a feature known as “Knock On” that will enable the users to unlock the screen just double tapping on the display.
LG G2 has a 13MP camera at the back that comes with Optical Image Stabilization(OIS). At IFA 2013, LG had a very interesting demo to show off the OIS capabilities of the LG G2. You can check out the video below to see how LG showed off the OIS feature of LG G2.
The OIS feature greatly reduces the shakes during capturing videos and it is clearly seen in the video when the LG G2, which has OIS, produces much more stabilized image when compared against the iPhone 5 and Galaxy S4 which lack OIS.
What do you think of the G2? Will you buy one?
LG G2 OIS Demo
LG announced their flagship G2 nearly a month back and it is being showcased in IFA 2013 in Berlin. LG G2 runs on Snapdragon 800 and has...